Cornelis van Leeuwen

Professor of viticulture

EGFV, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, France

Rob Bramley

Senior Principal Research Scientist

CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Adelaide, Australia

João Carlos A. Santos


Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal

Hans R. Schultz

Professor of viticulture

University of Geisenheim, Germany

Gonzaga Santesteban

Professor of viticulture

Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain

Antonello Bonfante

Senior researcher in hydropedology

CNR - Institute for Mediterranean Agricultural and Forestry Systems, Portici, Italy

Kaan Kurtural

Specialist in Cooperative Extension in Viticulture

Oakville Experiment Station, University of California Davis, USA

Isabelle Masneuf Pomarede

Professor in enology

ISVV, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, France

Stefanos Koundouras

Professor of viticulture

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece

Marion Demossier

Professor of French and Social Anthropology

University of Southampton, U.K.

Eric Duchêne

Senior researcher in grapevine breeding and genetics

SVQV, INRAE Colmar, France

Nathalie Ollat

Senior Researcher in grapevine ecophysiology and genetics

EGFV, INRAE Bordeaux, France