Instructions for Poster Presentation

Instructions for Poster Presentation

Participants should prepare their poster according to the following instructions:

  • All text should be in English.
  • Posters should have a portrait layout in order to fit the poster board, and be in the A0-format (84.1cm width x 118.9cm height). Please do not exceed these dimensions.
  • If you wish, you can use the TERCLIM poster template which may be downloaded as a Powerpoint file at the following link.
  • Posters must be printed prior to the event. There will be no printing facilities available at the conference venue.
  • Presenters are responsible for mounting and dismounting their posters during the designated times on the assigned board. Tacks and technical equipment will be available.
  • Please refer to the final scientific programme for your allocated poster board number.

Poster viewing and discussions will take place each day during lunch and coffee breaks. Please stand by your poster to answer any questions, at least on the day of your respective session.

Due to the large number of posters (>90), the poster presentations will be scheduled in two shifts:

  • Sessions A,B,C,D,E - Monday 08:00 / Wednesday 12:30
  • Sessions F,G,H,I - Wednesday 12:30 / Friday 14:00

Posters will be published in IVES Conferences Series along with the one page abstract provided previously. Please upload a pdf file of your poster via your terclim account before 15 25 June 2022.