During the symposium, 3 technical tours by bus are scheduled at the end of the day on 4, 5 and 7 July. Wine growers open the door of their properties to share their passion with you. Participants will have the chance to discover the terroir and outstanding wines of 3 emblematic wine regions of Bordeaux (Saint-Emilion, Médoc, Sauternes). At each site, we will discuss terroir and climate change around soil pits, vineyards and visit the cellars of the partner wineries. Each tour will end with a wine tasting and dinner on site from 8pm. The return to the hotels is scheduled after 11pm.

Provisional programme (*)


15:45 - Bus transfer to Montagne Saint-Emilion (60kms)

17:00/19:00 - Technical visit of two of the following Saint-Elites winegrowers' wineries :

20:00 - Wine tasting and dinner at Tonnellerie Sylvain, Saint-Denis-de-Pile

Tuesday 5 > HAUT-MEDOC

16:00 - Bus transfer to Saint Laurent-Médoc (55kms)

17:30/19:30 - Technical visit at Château La Tour Carnet, AOC Haut-Médoc

  • Multi-varietal experimental plot and climate change
  • Experimental micro-vinification cellar
  • New winery and wine tasting

20:00 - Dinner at Château La Tour Carnet, Saint Laurent-Médoc

Thursday 7 > SAUTERNES

16:00 - Bus transfer to Sauternes (53kms)

17:00/19:00 - Technical visit of one of the following AOC Sauternes-Barsac wineries :

19:30 - Gala dinner at Château La Clotte-Cazalis, Barsac

(*) Please note that this programme is still subject to change before the symposium.
For the return trip, each bus will make one stop in downtown Bordeaux (Place des Quinconces) and one stop in Talence at the conference venue (Agora)